Monday, November 28, 2016

Problem Frame - An Open Letter to People Protesting Protesters

An open letter to people who protest others protesting

Today in America people are mad. Mad about people using their right to protest. These people are angry that stars have used their platforms to spread awareness about a issue and make those said issues a priority. NFL, NBA and also just any person with any fame are using their stardom for other things besides their sport. They are speaking out and peacefully protesting and people are mad about their peaceful protests interjecting into their entertainment. I think that this is a fantastic thing for people with stardom to do. While sports is a huge thing, there are many things that are bigger than putting a ball through a hoop, or a pass being caught. These players and entertainers spreading awareness helps inform and educate others. I think it's good for them to do this, because there are much worse things they can do besides silently protest.

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