Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Paragraph Style - John Chestnut

To think that the life we live is short, is not really too hard of an idea to accept. Kennedy’s poem, “The Purpose of Time Is to Prevent Everything from Happening at Once,” tells us something like that. To suppose that our life is a, “folded telescope” (1) seems like we are being asked to imagine our life as being useless, because a telescope has no use when folded up. Kennedy follows it up by saying, “Durationless, collapsed in a flash.” (2) The stanza continues, “from your mothers womb you, bawling, drop/ Into a nursing home,” (lines 3, and 4) Kennedy means it for people to think about how life can go by so quickly from the moment you are born to the moment you are old, and shriveled up. “Toddler laying waste/school kid, zit faced teen with lover zipping up your pants in haste/as parents tread downstairs.” (lines 5-8) Kennedy is recalling memories from his life. Most likely some of the best moments of his life, or from somebody he knew. He wrote this as to say never forget some of the little inconspicuous moments, that may seem like nothing, but will stick with you for a life time. 

The real focus is Kennedy's poem here, the purpose of the paragraph is to explain the poem that Kennedy wrote. 

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