Monday, November 28, 2016

Audience Description- Kaali Roberts - Equal Pay

1.  My typical audience member would be employees of any gender, race. My audience members will also be people who have been through 4 years of college with a degree.
2. If the individuals have the same qualifications for the same job, why is there a difference in pay? So, my representative detail will be qualification.
3. Traditions and stereotypes are what lead the current wage gap. Closing gap gives greater profitability to economy " Women have played a vital role in Europe's employment and economic growth and their skills and talent are necessary for the economic and social development of our societies. However, this is not reflected in their pay and position in the labour market. The undervaluing of women's work and the under-utilisation of women's skills is a lost resource for the economy and for society at large. A better use of women's skills allows them to better contribute to the economy as a whole." (EU)
4. I am not a college graduate, the belief that a woman is capable of completing the same tasks as a man ( in the male audience perspective)
5. No it does not represent insurmountable obstacles to my argument.
6. The fact that women aren't paid as much as men on average.
7. No
8.  Where in your paper will you explicitly acknowledge and respond to possible objections that this audience might raise?
I will recognize the audiences objections in the ending of my body paragraph(s).

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