Monday, November 28, 2016

Audience description post

1)  A typical audience member can be a male or a female of any race and any age (ideally) that lives in a technologically advanced country (where they would be contributing to the emissions of green house gases). He or she would be relatively well educated (or at least know enough about climate change). Lastly, the audience believes that climate change is an man-made issue that needs to be addressed.

2) A hypothetical representative detail about my imagined reader is that they have a drivers license and own a car and most importantly, they frequently use their car as the primary mode of transportation.

3) A member of the audience and I both believe that climate change is a reality and that the main cause of global warming is fossil fuel burning (human activity). Another common characteristic is the belief that the solution lies in the collective efforts to reduce these aforementioned emissions.

4) A possible variable that a member of the audience and I may not agree with is the importance of altering personal habits that exacerbate the climate change dilemma (they may believe that political policy and perhaps changes in the production process of businesses is good enough). Additionally, another factor is the willingness to change personal habits.

5)  No, there are not any insurmountable obstacles, especially since my goal is to cause the reader to consider changing their habits and by extension, thinking more critically about their actions.

6) The reader would be someone that relies on the burning of fossil fuels on a regular basis. For instance, they may use technology (computer, cell phone, electricity, etc.) or drive a car to travel to work or school due to convenience.

7) I do not think there are any major issues and I probably will not have to explicitly reject their principles due to the goal of my persuasive letter. However, I foresee a potential necessity to challenge (and thus, maybe reject) the notion that personal habits are a minor player in reducing the negative effects of climate change.

8) I will probably respond to possible objections near the beginning of the paper or at least prior to articulating my arguments.

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