Monday, November 28, 2016

Problem Frame- An open letter to Anti Vaxxers

An open letter to Anti-Vaxxers

Dear Parents and members of the Anti-Vaxxer moment,

Vaccinations are a vital part of keeping the overall society healthy and disease free. In the past few years there has been a resurgences of preventable disease outbreaks. It is due, largely in part, to members of the communities failing to vaccinate their children. Unfounded fears that vaccinations will lower your child's overall immunity as well as the possibility that vaccinations will give your child autism have kept many parents from vaccinating their child, even though these fears have been disproved time and time again. However the very real consequences of these actions are starting to show as nearly extinct preventable diseases such as measles and whooping cough have once again begun to spread. By choosing not vaccinate your children, you are breaking the herd immunity and putting people who cannot get vaccinations due to medical reasons or age reasons at risk, as well as greatly contributing to the growing rise of preventable disease. It is your duty to your children as well as your community to disregard unfounded pseudoscience and vaccinate your children so that your community can remain healthy. 

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