Sunday, October 9, 2016


1. Definition: (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform/change.

2. From the text: "First, the activists recognize transnational corporations as the dominant powers of the new millennium. Seattle protestors pointedly smashed the windows of Nike Town" (183).

3. Passages from the text to help define/contextualize the term: "Seattle and subsequent fair trade and democratic globalization protests around the world are striking crystallizations of a complex confluence of social, economic, technological, environmental, and political processes" (183).

Seattle protestors are reactionary protestors. They are opposed to political or social change when it comes to the dominance of big named corporations and new technologies in their area.

Works Cited:
DeLuca, Kevin M., and Jennifer Peeples. "From Public Sphere to Public Screen: Democracy, Activism, and the 'Violence' of Seattle." (2002)

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