Monday, October 31, 2016

Context Sections Outline

I.                  Provide the general historical and sociopolitical context in which SDS emerged
II.                Define core policies of SDS and organizational structure
III.              Give an idea of relevant social organizations of the time (SNCC, VDC, SAS)
IV.              Show the emergence of challenges SDS would face
V.                Explain the protest that serves as the turning point for SDS
VI.              Define the success and growing issues in SDS
VII.            Provide a background on the aftermath

I.                 Illustrate the rhetorical context that led to the emergence of SDS
a.      Link rhetorical context to formation of an identity
b.      Older generations rhetoric that divided the old and new
II.                Show the rhetorical devices utilized by SDS to gain a following
a.      Adoption of too many (goals?)/no clearly defined identity
III.              To contrast the rhetoric of SDS during periods of disillusionment with that which preceded it
IV.              To show the primary rhetoric used during the Ten Days campaign and Columbia
V.               To show rhetoric during a dramatic period of polarization

VI.              To show factionalism through a change in rhetoric

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