Monday, October 31, 2016

Historical vs. Rhetorical Outline

Summary: I will be looking at technological changes in the meat industry that allowed for the increase in production and made available the option of mass farming of livestock, as well as how the availability of meat in the US affected the average diet and sparked controversy regarding the healthfulness of this diet. Also resulting political maneuvers to influence the industry based on either the healthfulness of the products or treatment of animals.

  • Treatment of animals in early 20th century America or earlier
  • General philosophy of human-animal relations as portrayed in historical texts or analyzed in some of my sources
  • Emergence of specific interest groups
  • Protection offered in congress
  • political movement that sparked the formation of the specific protest I'm looking at
  • Purpose of specific protest as defined by noteworthy figures in the organization
  • Ethos, Pathos, Logos as used by various interest groups in the same era
  • Use of violence or non-violent deviance in protest for animal rights in the era of this group's formation, and perhaps by the group itself although Meatout doesn't seem to be a very deviant annual protest.

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