Friday, October 7, 2016

Limits of Compatibility


The limits of compatibility describe the range of tolerable discrepancies within an organization that results in no change in its structure.


The marriage inequality protest (support for gay marriage) is an example of a movement that does not function within the limits of compatibility; the result is a change that redefines the jurisdiction of the state government. Traditionally, the state government could decide on the legality of same-sex marriage in its own state, however, after the nation-wide legalization of gay marriage, individual states no longer can make that decision.

From the Text:

The definition of limits of compatibility according to Melucci is “the range of variations a system can tolerate without modifying its structure” (334).

In suggesting ways to analyze protests, he states that some “collective phenomena” transgress limits of compatibility; this transgression involves a radical change characterized by the  “redefinition of the [existing] boundaries of the organization itself” (334). He distinguishes this from “forms of adaptation of order”, where changes are still within the limits of “compatibility (334).

Works Cited:

Melucci, Alberto. “Getting Involved: Identity and Mobilization in Social Movements.” International  Social Movement Research, vol. 1,1988, p. 334.

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