Friday, September 2, 2016

"Same Love" Macklemore


link to song:

WHO/WHAT : This song was written by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis and it advocates for same sex marriage; in fact, it encourages voters to vote for marriage equality specifically in Washington (this was prior to the federal legalization of gay marriage in 2015), as suggested by the description of the song on YouTube. The object is the parts of the song that are rap.

WHEN/WHERE: The song was released in October 2012 online and was omnipresent in pop music radio stations. 

WHY: As the title suggests, the love that can be found between same-sex couples is the same romantic love that can be found between a man and a woman. This song widely publicized and popularized this idea and other ideas that support civil rights for the LGBTQ community, such as the idea that a person's sexuality is something that is predisposed; it even satirizes the paradoxical usage of the bible to support the concept that homosexuality is a sin although "God loves all his children"(RyanLewisProductions).  "Same Love" rhetorically appeals to a large audience (since the song was extremely popular in the U.S.). 

The identity explored is the LGBTQ community and specifically, same-sex lovers. 


RyanLewisProductions. "MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - SAME LOVE Feat. MARY LAMBERT (OFFICIAL VIDEO)." YouTube. YouTube, 02 Oct. 2012. Web. 02 Sept. 2016.

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