WHO/WHAT: The Black Panther Party, started by Huey Newton and Bobby Seal, is a a group of predominantly African America men and woman who praticed militant self- defense of minority communities against the brutalities of the U.S. government. They fought to establish revolutionary socialism by organizations, community based programs and equality.
WHERE: The Black Panther Party was established in Oakland California.
WHEN: The first Black Panther Party came about in October of 1966
WHY: The Black Panther Party's main goal was to attain equalitry among every ethnicty. It was labeled as the first organization in U.S. history to militantly struggle for ethnic minority and working class emancipation. Although Martin Luther King's profession of non- violence being the answer to the opression of minorities wouldaid minorities in being viewed as equal, the black Panther Party did not believe that this was a beneficial way of getting equality. Highly influenced by Malcom X, who was pro- militant revolutionary with the dignity and respect to sfight for every minoity.
IDENTITIES: The Black Panther Party's main goal is to achieve equality for all; and they will go through all lengths to get it. It is not a group which focuses on one ethinicity over the other, but it includes any race that has faced oppression/ labeled as minority. Therefor, whoever has witnessed the unjust mistreatment of minorities has noticed that something is just not right and The Black Panther Party wanted to change this.
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