Monday, October 3, 2016


Definition: The goals/actions of the individuals participating in the protest directly share the same goals/ideals/constraints as the whole collective they are acting for.

Example: Civil Rights Movement sit-in participants are acting collectively through their individual actions to define the limitations of the overall group they are protesting for.


Photo credit: (they didn't cite their own photo so we don't know who it is from). 


From the text: Melucci examines the ways in which individuals create collective action to represent the values, beliefs, opportunities and limitations. "Individuals acting collectively 'construct' their action by means by 'organized' investments: that is, they define in cognitive terms the field of possibilities and limits which they perceive, while at the same time activating their relationships as to give sense to their 'being together' and to the goals they pursue" (332). "The actors 'produce' the collected action because they are able to define themselves and to define their relationship with the environment (other actors, available resources, opportunities and obstacles)" (332). They use their collective action to establish their position in their society.

Works Cited:
Melucci, Alberto. "Getting Involved: Identity and Mobilization in Social Movements." International Social Movement Research, Vol. 1, pages 329-348. January 1988.

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