Sunday, October 9, 2016

Mass Media

Definition: Technologies that makes information available to, and permit communication to, a large and/or widespread audience.

Example: While using my computer to make this post I am using a media tool (Blogger) to share information with an audience: my classmates and my professor. I am using another media tool (Gmail) to communicate with different audiences. I have also received a notification for the Presidential Debate through social media (Twitter), a specific form of mass media. The streaming of the Presidential Debate in itself is another form of information dissemination through mass media, as it allows a widespread audience to view the debate.

Image credit: "My Computer and Mass Media." Blogger, 2016. Author's screenshot.

From the text: DeLuca and Peeples first mention mass media when describing the new conditions of the public sphere as a "coporate-controlled mass-mediated world. Chief among these new conditions are transformed economic/political technological realities" (183). They further describe mass media as as a 'media culture' that has "emerged in which images, sounds, and spectacles help produce the fabric of everyday life, dominating leisure time, shaping political views and social behavior, and providing the materials out of which people forge their very identities" (184). 

Works Cited:
DeLuca, Kevin M., and Jennifer Peeples. "From Public Sphere to Public Screen: Democracy, Activism, and the 'Violence' of Seattle." Critical Studies in Media 
          Communication 19.2 (2002):125-51. Web.

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