Friday, September 2, 2016

PULSE (Orlando, Florida)

Who/What: PULSE nightclub was victim to a horrific shooting incident. The club is particularly an LGBTQ+ nightclub on Lantix night. There have been multiple theories about the identifications of the shooter, but the focus of this advertisement is about the LGBTQ+ community and that unity in crucial to defend against possible hate crimes. The audience is anyone who wants to target the LGBTQ+ community and that they are a force not to be reckoned with. 

Where: This piece of propaganda was sent out initially on Twitter from the Pulse club's Twitter account. This particular piece of propaganda was saved and posted by other account users as well as other media formats. 

When: The tweet was posted on June 30, 2016. This is recently after the events of the Pulse shooting in Orlando, Florida on June 12th, 2016. 

Why: The shooting at Pulse caused major grief - both from the victims/families as well as the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. There were various theories being proposed the day of the shooting and weeks after about the motives behind the shooter. The consensus was there was a vengeance towards the LGBTQ+ individuals because of their identification. The nightclub posted the word "us" in the photo in reference to the LGBTQ+ community. The community felt targeted to a hate crime, so that was the message broadcasted about their strength as a group as a whole. 


Twitter URL:

"Pulse Nightclub Shooting: June 13, 2016 Update." City of Orlando. 2 Sep 2016.

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