Monday, December 5, 2016

Audience description: Involvement in political process

My final persuasive paper my target audience ideally would be a younger audience from my generation and on down who seem to have harbored mistrust in the government and in the political process.

1. The type of demographic I would try to appeal to would be the youth who do not get involved in things such as voting or even educating themselves on issues facing their own community. Many young people are unified in  that they have lost trust in the political process and in the government. Much of today's youth feels like they don't even have a voice when it comes to things such as elections, weather general or state. In this previous election, 46% of registered voters did not vote! If we don't participate we can't be complaining. That may have made a difference, but people don't see that. As Americans we have the right to vote and to use our voices and run for office and make a change for the better. The young people in today's society have the potential to change the world, we all need to get involved, stay involved and get educated.

2. Come up with one specific, representative detail about your imagined reader that helps you understand who they are concretely. i.e. background, education, culture, etc.

It's not just the youth in America that could be reached through this persuasion, but also anybody who says things like "oh, its better if i just don't vote" or things like "I don't like either candidates so i didn't vote". This general audience would consist of anyone from high school students, college students, college graduates, young professionals, and really anyone with a strong opinion on something. Imagine a highly intelligent college kid who always engages in smart conversations that are challenging and you insightful, but then you mention politics and they say something like "oh i don't get involved with all that", well someone who's learning and figuring out their place in life is the person who should be involved in the political process.

3. List the principles relevant to your issue that you and this person probably share

Like many, I'm tired of seeing the same old faces and the same old policies being passed and implemented. However, i have seen changes in things and laws which give me hope that the country and society is moving along, no matter how slow. I feel that we as fortunate Americans who can go to college and learn about different things, and learn history, we have the power to prevent unfortunate events from reoccurring. We have to be involved and we have to go out and vote. If you don't like whats going on in your community, attend a city council meeting and address it. Times are changing and i, like many of my generation, feel like policies and people in power need to change as well.

4. List the principles relevant to your issue that you and this person probably do not share

I     I've always been a very respectful person, but if i don't agree with something someone or a politician is saying or trying to implement or put into law i will make it public, i will not hide it and i won't hesitate to express my displeasure with the person or with the issue. There are plenty of people my age that i've encountered who feel like they need to be super respectful to a person in a high position. Also we may disagree on where criticism and patriotism can't co-exist. Some may see criticism on the country or the political process or the government or the president as un-American, but i happen to feel like its healthy and should be encouraged. 

      5.  Do any of the principles in 4 represent insurmountable obstacles to them accepting your argument?
       No i don't believe so, I feel like the approach would be the way to get people to listen. I'm not here to scold people or tell them how to live their lives, however i am here to try and encourage people and to show people how important it is to get involved and go vote. Also we are as a country fortunate to be able to go out and campaign and be involved and run for office. 

     6. Where will you and this reader find common ground?
       Well, we're all in this together, we're facing similar challenges and we want to feel like our voices heard and we do want our voices heard. Its up to us to unite no matter how different we may see things or what we may believe in. 


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